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Mass destruction in Deir al-Zour after Syrian govt declares victory over ISIL
Mass destruction in Deir al Zor after Syrian gov't declares victor / Crisis Syria
Syrian army retakes Deir al-Zor from ISIL
Syria state media: Government forces retake Deir al-Zour in fight with ISIL
Ruins ISIL's only legacy in Deir El-Zour
Deir ez Zor entirely in hands of SAA after victory over ISIS
Fighting Daesh: Defense analyst Oubai Shahbandar on Daesh in Iraq and Syria
Syrian army declares Deir el-Zour liberated
23 civilians killed by US-led air strikes in eastern Deir al-Zour province
Syria's Deir al-Zour coming back to life after three-year IS siege
Raw: Syrian Army Fights IS Group in Deir el-Zour
Raqqa after Daesh